All Oathbound Tablets have now been swapped for Arcane Fragment (Epic) !
Oops! Looks like we left Lumenlight Lantern hanging in patch 306 when it should've been swapped for the Gold Beast Scroll. Fear not, the magical switch has now been flipped! Enjoy!
All Fragmented Ogum Claws have been auto converted to Ogum's Razor, without the requirement for the leather, but with the same roll chance. There was no other use for this. It was an experiment to see if self lead conversion would work. It failed.
Grimsteed has sold out in the shop, and is now tradable in the marketplace!
A device in Inverdhen hums with newfound potential. It might be worthwhile investigating...
Alchemists have figured out how to better refine Demonaria and Nepholia for Lethal Adrenaline and Bullseye Brew, and now you need only half as many!
Some old event items have been swapped for new items, in order to balance Echoes of Time a little better. Darksour Proctail swapped for Overload Serum, Hex on the Beach swapped for Precision's Peak, Demon Blood swapped for Boundless Evade Brew
Enjin JumpNet and Mainnet integration has been turned off. Blockchain services will be restored once we're on the new chain.
Bounty Chests are no longer tradable
Darthrauka has taken over the raffle!
Conqueron appears to be on the brink of defeat. Hold steady, push forward, and by this time tomorrow, the veil of darkness should be dispelled, reigning Talmuth, victorious!
As goes the darkness, so goes most of the unfulfilled creations, that came along with it. If you wish to participate in any of these sinister dealings, you better act quickly. Event items, unassembled weapons, etc will all be lost, as Conqueron, falls.
Looks like Conqueron has just called for reinforcements. He's clearly not going to go down without a fight. Expect to see his most seasoned fighters entering the front lines. Stand your ground!
Watcher Sumpits have been spotted in Mulfiddich Moors!
Miniboss and other entity spawn rates were incorrectly set to very close to 100%, these have now been adjusted to what they should be.
The snow in Talmuth has melted...
A flock of Scarratou just flew into the abyss for a permanent vacation, making those that remain in the mortal realm, even more of a rare sight to behold.
Darthrauka says "You pesky humans are wasting my precious time, go fetch!"
A large flock of Scarratou just flew into the abyss for a permanent vacation, making those that remain in the mortal realm, even more of a rare sight to behold.
Trading of Halloween website shop and in game shop items has been disabled until the event is over. They will be re-enabled once the event ends.
Actually set Shadowstone Overseer discovery to larger than 30, instead of completely disabling them.
Shadowstone discoveries will now only be reported to Overseer when the amounts are larger than 30 payments are now available on the shop!
A new exploit has been discovered in Graveyard Rumble. All scores will need to be reset and since the prizes are so valuable, we're going to update the rules to require a video recording of your win, so that it can be used as proof of your score.
We've had a large influx of players lately and we're now at capacity for the Pre-Alpha! Account Creation has therefore been closed but it will re-open again in the future!
There was an error with the Photonic Incubator health amount, it was set to Rare level instead of Legendary. It's been updated from 300 health to 1200 health and will be available in the next patch.
The Gargoyle Collector has run out of Gogum pets, but is still looking for a few remaing puzzle pieces, offering 5k Gold Coins for each!
Various overseer announcements have now been disabled due to the large volume of players
Obito has donated a selection of items such as Blue Rock Dye, Dayl Slate Leather, Ever Bread, Irhium Spring Water, Bronze Ingot and more, back into the game! Thank you Obito!
TiborgGuarana has donated Aberdow Artesian Water, Demmin Crystal Salt, Ever Bread, Glisten, Irhium Spring Water, Mellith Flower, Rust Barley Grains, Sunshroom, and more Weapons back into the game! Thank you TiborgGuarana!
A generous player has donated Aberdow Artesian Water, Bronze Ingot, Cerulean Sapphire, Demmin Crystal Salt, Dayl Brown Leather, Culinarian's Call Vol I, Culinarian's Call Vol II, Dried Blush Berries, Ever Bread and Rust Barley Grains into the loot pool!
DIABLO has donated a few wagons of Night Wood back into the game! Thank you DIABLO!
A generous player just donated some more Criminal Katana's, Longbows and Wildone's into the game! Thanks generous player!
A generous player has donated a selection of Wildone's Axe, Blue Rock Dye, Longbow, Culinarian's Call Vol I, Culinarian's Call Vol II and 200 Night Wood! Thank you generous player!
PlayToEarn has donated 500 Red Rock Dye back into the game! Thank you PlayToEarn!
SlitenUgle just donated even more Criminal Katana's, Longbows and Wildone's into the game! Thanks SlitenUgle!
VeryGoodBadBoy has donated Glisten, Aberdow water, Wildone's Axe, Bronze Ingot, Ever Bread, Dayl Brown Leather, Culinarian's Call Vol I and Vol II, Criminal's Katana, Longbows, Irhium Water, Rust Barley Grains and Cerulean Sapphire back into the loot pools
KGeorgiev just donated even MORE Criminal Katana's, Longbows and Wildone's into the game! Thanks KGeorgiev!
OnTheCan just donated more Criminal Katana's, Longbows and Wildone's into the game! Thanks OnTheCan!
Striker just donated a selection of Criminal Katana's, Longbows and Wildone's into the game! Thanks Striker!
Yaboi has donated 500 Red Rock Dye back into the game! Thank you Yaboi!
D3K has donated 500 Blue Rock Dye back into the game! Thank you D3K!
Bounties can now be paused instead of abandoned which means progress won't be reset if you abandon/pause
The Christmas event is now over. Last chance to open Christmas Presents and Kringle Koins before they turn to dust!
Some gatherable items have shifted around and now drop in different locations
Divine Gloves, Brunite Pickaxe and Metallic Pruning Scissors have new requirements
Common Pine can now only be gathered from Woodcutting level 5, while Bundle of Sticks can now be gathered from level 1, without a tool requirement
Tool durability has been completely disabled
The Tavern has a new Raffle! I wonder what sort of Egg you'll find in this Mysterious Nest?
The requirements for making Crude Pickaxe and Battered Hatchet have been updated
Updated tool skill requirements to better align all skills to the same values
The shopkeeper has received a large shipment of glassware from a new merchant, allowing for much cheaper prices!
All gathering skills have had their experience buffed so you you will get more xp per use now and all existing gathering experience has also been buffed so you haven't missed out.
A new Raffle has started in the Tavern for the Rare Lance Livingstone Outfit! Raffle is drawn in 7 days. Your chances increase the more Tickets you purchase!
The Shopkeeper is now selling single Adventure Stones for purchase under the category Limited Time. This is temporary.
The Innkeeper has a new Limited Time Quest called Golden Stones which allows you to convert your Adventure Stones back to Gold. This is temporary.
The Leaderboards have been reset! They will now reset at the start of every month.
Dank Descent is now available somewhere within Talmuth
Leaderboards will reset monthly from 1st May 2020