
Sword - Two-Handed
Completed Trades
53 days ago1 for 10,000.00
543 days ago1 for 7,499.94
815 days ago1 for 10,000.00

Godslayer is Transcendent

0 of 15 remaining

10% chance to leech 50 health or 50 energy from the enemy

The 'Godslayer' was the very weapon that smote down the great king Ahasuerus, the 5th king of the Achaemenid dynasty of Persia.

Ahasuerus was filled with pride and considered himself to be a god, treating his subjects as dirt upon which to tread.

It was eventually Ahasuerus' bodyguard, Artabanus, who took 'Shah Shamshir' or as it is now known the 'Godslayer' sword wielded by the royal guards and killed the god king, ending his reign of vanity!