Tears of Serenity

Tears of Serenity
Completed Trades
2 days ago1 for 22.00
4 days ago1 for 19.37
4 days ago1 for 12.00

Tears of Serenity is Epic

1 of 968 remaining

+1000 health over 10 seconds, invisibility during this time.

Effect is lost if you deal damage. (3 uses)

The kingdom of Anaria has been a well kept secret for centuries, and the Anarians would like to keep it that way. Located on the outskirts of the known world, and nestled deep within the jungles of the land it lay, Anaria is a remarkable, and never-ending realm of discovery.

Learning of this land through an ancient text, Talmuthian adventurer Marlon Rauk, set out on a mission to track down it's whereabouts, and prove it's very existence. This task wouldn't be easy however. If the ancient texts were true, no outsider was ever able to make their way through the bush, and to the kingdom, while living to tell the tale.

Marlon loved a good challenge, and despite the dangers depicted in the text, he proceeded with his expedition. After determining that the kingdom must be located on an island in the eastern hemisphere, Marlon purchased a vessel, and sailed for several days, before finally arriving at the shores of his destination.

Without hesitation, Marlon began to make his way through the jungle. Being the skilled adventurer that he was, Marlon knew what to look out for in order to survive, and having read those ancient texts, was well prepared for the journey ahead. After successfully evading dozens of man-made traps, and slaying countless creatures that he had never encountered before, Marlon could see the kingdom through the remainder of the trees, and continued to make his way out of the bush.

Upon stepping foot in the kingdom, and distracted by the amazing view that lay in front of him, Marlon made one mistake; always check for traps. Before he could even look down at his feet, Marlon was whisked into the air, where he was left hanging, and trapped inside of a sturdy net. After several minutes, the Anarians arrived to check on their trap, in order to see what they had caught. Much to their surprise, it wasn't their usual wild grunt.

After having a discussion on whether to kill the intruder, or let him live, the Anarians ultimately decided that they would spare Marlon's life, but under one condition. He must never tell a soul about the location of the island, or what he had seen. Feeling that they could trust Marlon, the Anarians decided that they would give him a tour of their land. Over the course of the next few days, Marlon would explore some of the greatest natural wonders he had ever seen.

Having felt like he had fulfilled his mission, it was time for Marlon to leave, but not without a parting gift. The Anarians were still amazed by the fact that Marlon had managed to locate the kingdom and survive, that they wanted to show their respects by letting him leave with a little souvenir. After bottling up as many vials of their mystic spring water as Marlon's vessel could possibly hold, Marlon graciously departed the ancient land, and headed straight back to towards his home of Talmuth, with a great sense of accomplishment, and ultimate serenity.