Ring of Havoc

Ring of Havoc
Recent Sales
78 days ago1 for 250,000
269 days ago1 for 298,989
298 days ago1 for 300,000

Ring of Havoc is Epic

20 circulating

Summons spike trap, dealing 472 damage to enemies caught in it, as well as pinning them in place for 30 seconds (3 uses)

Imagine if you will, a ring, with the ability to summon piercing spikes from below the earths surface, trapping your enemies in their tracks, and allowing for unimpeded slaying. Does this sound appealing? Well, there's no need to imagine, because the Ring of Havoc does just that!

Forged using some of the best raw materials in the world, and imbued with a spell so powerful, that only a handful of wizards can even conjure up, the Ring of Havoc would be a welcome addition to any hunters arsenal.

A creation this brilliant does come at a cost however, and due it's high value, very few people will ever be able to obtain one at all.