Raw Boanacuda

Raw Boanacuda
Squid - Raw
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Raw Boanacuda is Transcendent

Unlimited supply

A raw Boanacuda.

A mesmerizing being of the underwater realm, the Boanacuda is an aquatic creature, like no other.

Mystical, bewitching, and enveloped in a fully transparent, fire-resistant flesh, this marvelous bottom-dweller is as fascinating as it is dangerous.

To the unsuspecting foe, the Boanacuda may appear to be merely the skeletal remains of a decomposed fish, but to others, it represents a terror of monumental proportion.

The Boanacuda are considered a delicacy in the northern regions of Lunaria, where they are carefully prepared for consumption, by removing the outer flesh, and charring the brittle bones to an inconceivable, golden hue.