Peek-A-Boo Brew

Peek-A-Boo Brew
Completed Trades
5 hours ago1 for 30,000
13 hours ago1 for 29,346
13 hours ago1 for 29,247

Peek-A-Boo Brew is Epic

0 of 947 remaining

Become invisible for 10 seconds, your next attack while invisible deals 300% damage but makes you visible (3 uses)

This festive beverage appears innocent, with rich chocolate, fluffy whipped cream, and a marshmallow ghost perched on top. However, its effects are anything but ordinary.

When consumed, the eerie brew grants the drinker temporary invisibility, allowing them to strike with devastating power. It brings a whole new meaning to "peek-a-boo," making it the perfect drink for those who like to disappear and deal damage in the shadows.