Obsidian Kataclysm

Obsidian Kataclysm
Sword - Two-Handed
Completed Trades
13 hours ago1 for 7.00
6 days ago1 for 5.00
43 days ago1 for 12.00

Obsidian Kataclysm is Rare

2 of 1215 remaining

10% chance of decreasing enemy movements by 30% for 5 seconds.

For those who have the means to morph Obsidian Katanas, they will be left with a hyper-charged weapon that has come to be known as the 'Obsidian Kataclysm'.

This is a sword that wreaks havoc upon one's enemies with an activated blade that can cause a nasty, endurance leeching effect upon impact.

Handle with care!