Malevolent Void

Malevolent Void
Completed Trades
5 days ago1 for 229.00
10 days ago1 for 230.00
12 days ago1 for 230.00

Malevolent Void is Legendary

430 of 479 remaining

Leeches up to +50 health and converts it to energy from nearby monsters up to 4500 health

The witches of the 'Scarlett Magenti' coven have practiced just about every form of magic since their inception, including the dreadful craft of voodoo.

Although the practice of voodoo is rather unknown to the covens newer generation, some of it's older members still rely on this form of magic, as it allows them to inflict pain on an enemy from afar.

During the early days of the coven, one of it's highly skilled members crafted a doll with the capability to inflict injury upon an enemy, from great distance, however, this magic was too powerful, and in the end, none of the witches were truly able to harness it's power, eventually abandoning the practice due to the severe side effects that were inflicted upon the conjurer.