Elkin Grass

Elkin Grass
Completed Trades
1 hour ago37 for 37
10 hours ago1 for 37
13 hours ago7 for 37

Elkin Grass is Common

Unlimited supply

Don’t let the delicate, fern-like appearance of Elkin Grass fool you—this hardy herb is a powerhouse in the world of alchemy.

When properly prepared, Elkin Grass becomes the key ingredient in a potent potion that enhances melee combat; sharpening the wit, allowing for more precise strikes.

Some believe that the grass retains the essence of the elusive Elkin, a mythical creature known for its agility and raw power. Of course, whether that’s true or just a clever marketing ploy by enterprising alchemists is up for debate.

One thing’s certain: after a dose of this wonder fuel, your enemies will wish they’d stayed home.