
Sword - Two-Handed
Completed Trades
3 days ago1 for 1,412.50
37 days ago1 for 1,101.00
41 days ago1 for 1,799.00

Cataclysm is Mythical

6 of 23 remaining

5% attack speed, 5% chance for Critical Hit

Having lived to a ripe old age, the great forge master, Baalien Roe, knew that he only had a year or 2 left before he would lay down in death.

So master Roe set about crafting the most superlative broadswords he had ever made.

Using only the finest materials, he meticulously and painstakingly conjured blades so fine that even the great master himself was impressed.

He then had the swords 'activated' with dynamic energy by Mendthar the wise in Harnvas, free of charge, as both the elderly associates admired the others skills in their respective crafts.

Baalien gave 5 of the swords to his descendants and sold the other 18 for some of the highest prices ever paid for a weapon in the 4th aeon.

It is said that Baalien died a richer man then the current ruler of the land at that time!