Bloodspire Ring

Bloodspire Ring
Completed Trades
5 hours ago1 for 3.94
3 days ago1 for 3.87
3 days ago1 for 3.50

Bloodspire Ring is Rare

613 of 4873 remaining

Unleashes a shockwave, dealing 778 damage, and causing bleed for 150 damage over 5s

Crafted with meticulous care by a skilled artisan who delved into the arcane, the Bloodspire Ring features a resplendent red gem at its heart—the Bloodspire—a gem that seems to pulse with an inner vitality.

This remarkable ring bestows upon its wearer the formidable ability to unleash controlled shockwaves of power, wreaking havoc upon adversaries and inflicting a relentless, painful bleed.