Amulet of Chaos

Amulet of Chaos
Recent Sales
219 days ago1 for 50,000
268 days ago1 for 3,887
268 days ago1 for 52,000

Amulet of Chaos is Rare

51 circulating

Casts a chaos orb, dealing 1078 damage on impact

Chaos will often manifest itself in the form of confusion, and when this confusion is applied to your enemies, there's no greater pleasure that one could ask for.

Created using one of the most precious, and powerful gems in the world, and imbued with magic only conceivable by the Order Of Shadows, this amulet is feared by most, and it very well should be.

If you spot your enemy from a distance, with one of these slung around their neck, it's best that you turn right around and run as far away as you possibly can.