Celestial Alignment

Celestial Alignment

In this dance of updates, prepare to witness a symphony of shifts and alterations that promise to elevate your gaming experience to celestial heights.

Seek out the NPCs eager to trade your hard-earned resources for enticing rewards. The cosmos has aligned in your favor; Lunaria awaits your mark. May your journey be as celestial as the stars themselves!

Quiver Revolution: Arrows’ Grand Exodus

In a move that could make even Cupid shed a tear, we’re bidding farewell to the traditional arrow and ushering in the era of Quivers. Yes, you heard it right — Quivers are the new cool kids in town. These sleek, stylish pouches not only hold an infinite number of arrows but also come with a twist of fate — random breakage.

The full range of Quivers
The full range of Quivers

We know change can be daunting, especially for those who cherished their arrows like precious heirlooms. Fret not, dear archers, as we’ve meticulously broken down your beloved arrows into bite-sized pieces. Each arrow has returned to 10% of their original crafting resources. It’s like the Marie Kondo method for arrows — thank them for their service, then let them go, only to receive a delightful resource package in return.

For the aficionados who had amassed a quiver empire of more than 1000 arrows per types, behold Quiver Troves! Receive one for each rarity you held, ensuring your arrow legacy lives on in quiver form. So, if you were the proud owner of 3500 Iron Arrows, 1000 Viterium Arrows, and 500 Meridium Arrows, rejoice! You’re entitled to 2 Quiver Troves, plus a bonus of 10% of all the resources. It’s like winning the lottery, but with more arrows and fewer numbers. Embrace the quiverific transformation!

Weapon Anarchy: Breaking the Slot Mold

Bid farewell to the old weapon slot etiquette; we’re ushering in an era of weapon liberation! No more must your melee weapon timidly take the first slot while your ranged companion sulks in the second. It’s time for weapons to break free from the constraints of traditional slots and embrace their true potential.

Weapon Anarchy

In this world of weapon anarchy, the choice is yours. Fancy rocking two swords, or perhaps you’re more of a longbow-shortbow enthusiast? Mix and match to your heart’s content, creating a loadout that speaks to your inner warrior. It’s not just about functionality; it’s a fashion statement, a declaration of your unique combat style.

So go ahead, break the shackles of the conventional weapon hierarchy. Two swords, an axe and a sword, two bows — it’s a dual-world out there, and we’re just living in it. Welcome to the future, where your arsenal knows no bounds!

Guardian’s Chest: A Bounty Fit for the Brave

In a grand transformation, the once venerable Warden’s Chest has evolved into the illustrious Guardian’s Chest, a symbol of resilience and valor. Brace yourselves, brave adventurers, for this chest now has a chance to emerge from the aftermath of battles with all Guardians, promising untold treasures to those who dare to face the challenges that lie ahead.

The Guardian’s Chest, like a phoenix rising from the ashes of its predecessor, boasts an enhanced drop rate, the spoils of which escalate with the intensity of your chosen adventure. The more daunting the quest, the greater the chance of securing these prestigious chests — your ticket to a realm of riches and glory.

But that’s not all; the contents of these resplendent chests have been revamped, promising a trove of coveted items. Among them, keep a keen eye out for the newly introduced limited supply Guardian’s Essence Shards, sparkling Celestial Alloy Ingots, and the mystical Guardian’s Rune Stones. These precious artifacts hold the key to unlocking the gateway to the mighty Titan Takedown — but don’t rest, there’s a limited supply only!

Guardian’s Chest

Seek out the NPC waiting in the hallowed halls of the Royal Emporium. They hold the wisdom and the means to guide you on your quest for glory and unrivaled treasures.

Deepsea Coffer’s Treasure Unveiled

Hold on to your seaweed hats, fellow adventurers! The Deepsea Coffer is no longer your run-of-the-mill treasure chest; it has undergone a nautical makeover, unveiling an updated loot table that’s making waves in the deep blue.

You’ll be swimming in the riches of the deep with the addition of the Luminous Coral Shard and Deepwater Pearl. However don’t count your seahorses too early, these limited supply items are only half of the requirements you’ll need.

Spin the Wheel of Wonder, and you might just land on Mystic Kraken Ink or the elusive Shadowed Leviathan Scale.

Deepsea Coffer’s Treasure
Deepsea Coffer’s Treasure

And finally, the pièce de résistance — the Abyssal Dominator amulet!

To claim this limited-supply amulet of unparalleled underwater swagger, all you need to do is turn in those shiny new Luminous Coral Shards, Deepwater Pearls, Mystic Kraken Ink, and Shadowed Leviathan Scales to our friendly NPC.

Abyssal Dominator
Abyssal Dominator

Happy looting, and may your underwater escapades be as mythical as Davy Jones’ locker! 🌊💎

Gather Monsters: A Harvest of Riches

Venture forth into the realms where Arachnodons, Boulderfists, Croakreavers, and Maplethorns appear, for they now bestow upon you a bountiful harvest of new resource items. As the winds of change sweep through, the town buzzes with excitement, as NPCs eagerly seek these newfound treasures.

The new resource items that drop from Gather monsters
The new resource items that drop from Gather monsters

Arachnodon Fangs — Defeat Arachnodons and collect their fearsome fangs. The town’s resident Salvage Captain Wren eagerly awaits your offerings. Present him with Arachnodon Fangs, and in return, receive the coveted Wren’s Trove.

Stoneheart Shards — Test your mettle against the mighty Boulderfists and collect the fragments of their Stoneheart Shards. Quarrymaster Grimstone is the one you seek, for he desires these shards and is ready to bestow upon you the Grimstone Cache — a chest filled with rewards as sturdy as the stone itself.

The new rewards you can obtain by collecting resources and trading them at an NPC
The new rewards you can obtain by collecting resources and trading them at an NPC

Croakreaver Fins — Face the Croakreavers to procure their fins. Fisherking Nautica, with an eye for aquatic riches, eagerly awaits your collection. Present the Croakreaver Fins, and in return, be granted access to Nautica’s Strongbox — a chest filled with wonders.

Leafsong Resin — Among the Maplethorns, seek out the precious Leafsong Resin. Timberlord Thornsap, guardian of the woodlands, beckons you to bring forth these resinous treasures. Present him with Leafsong Resin, and in return, claim the Thornsap Coffer — a chest brimming with the essence of the forest.

Some of the items you can find in the various reward chests
Some of the items you can find in the various reward chests

Ogum’s Razor: More Than Just a Close Shave

Unleash your inner blacksmith by attempting to craft an Ogum’s Razor from a Fragmented Ogum Claw and Luminous Leather.

But wait, adventurer, before you dive headfirst into crafting glory, a word of caution: these ingredients are as delicate. Handle them with care, or you might just find yourself dusting off a collection of Bone Dust instead of the gleaming Ogum’s Razor.

Ogum’s Razor
I always knew math would come in handy one day

So, if you’re feeling brave and your crafting gloves are on point, go ahead, attempt the construction, and may your razor be as sharp as your wit!

Unleashing the Torrent of Knowledge

Prepare to unlock the next level of enlightenment as we introduce Greater Tomes! These aren’t your average tomes; they are a reservoir of knowledge that transcends the boundaries of traditional learning, promising even more learning than before.

Greater Tomes

Unleash the potential within, level up faster, and watch your skills ascend to unprecedented heights. The Greater Tomes are not just books; they are the keys to unlocking the true extent of your capabilities. So, grab hold of these literary wonders, absorb their wisdom, and let the journey toward greatness begin anew! May your adventures be as enlightening as the pages within the Greater Tomes.

Hide, Leather and Armor Grand Renaissance

We’ve decided it’s time to ditch the monster-specific names and embrace a more eclectic and inclusive lineup that can drop across your adventures. Say goodbye to the old and hello to the new, as we present to you the revamped hide and leather nomenclature.


Frayed Hide/Leather (formerly Wrunehide)
Mottled Hide/Leather (formerly Skulkhide)
Exquisite Hide/Leather (formerly Crochide)
Iridescent Hide/Leather (formerly Roghide)
Luminous Hide/Leather (formerly Demonhide)
Arcane Hide/Leather (formerly Netherhide)
Celestial Hide/Leather (formerly Warhide)


Shabby Armor (formerly Wruneleather)
Patched Armor (formerly Skulkleather)
Elegant Armor (formerly Crocleather)
Radiant Armor (formerly Rogleather)
Lucent Armor (formerly Demonleather)
Mystic Armor (formerly Netherleather)
Divine Armor (formerly Warleather)

Item Identity Overhaul

Prepare for a symphony of transformation as we redefine the very essence of these cherished items. The winds of change have swept through, reshaping their names and breathing new life into their legendary existence.

Quiver Trove (formerly Forgotten Quiver)
Guardian’s Chest (formerly Warden’s Chest)
Guardian’s Key (formerly Warden’s Key)
Titan Takedown (formerly Adage of the Ancients)

Marketplace orders have been cancelled for all changed items, except for hides, leathers and armor.

Farewell, Mysterious Shield

In a grand disappearing act that would make Houdini proud, we’ve bid adieu to the enigmatic character shield. For those who never quite grasped its purpose or found themselves scratching their heads, worry not — it’s vanished into thin air, leaving behind a void that few will miss.

Peachfoil Potion, Cyclone Soup, and Magnarax Potion have all been reduced to 10% of their resources as these were items exclusively for the shield. Other items that gave shield in addition to other properties will be updated soon.

Release Notes

  • Arrows have been converted to Quivers, which have unlimited arrows, but randomly break in the same way tools or weapons do. All arrows have been broken down into 10% of the resources they were created with. If you had more than 1000 arrows, you'll receive a Quiver Trove for each rarity you held. If you had 1500 Iron Arrows, 1000 Viterium Arrows, and 500 Meridium Arrows, you'll receive 2 Quiver Troves, along with 10% of all the resources.
  • Allow any weapon to be equipped in any weapon slot instead of just melee and ranged in specific slots
  • Adjusted damage for Amulet of Chaos, Arcanum Pulse, Bane of Immortals, Bloodspire Ring, Crimson Gloomshot, Goodman Goggles, Infernal Hellfire, Junglecharm, The Mask of Atticus, Elijah and Hugo, Tinted Tempest, and Voltcore Amulet
  • Changed failed gathering xp to a fixed 50 value, and increased all gathering xp by 15%
  • Removed player shield, items that modify the shield will be updated soon
  • Renamed all hide and leather to names that aren't specific to monsters so that they can drop across adventures. Wrunehide to Frayed Hide, Skulkhide to Mottled Hide, Crochide to Exquisite Hide, Roghide to Iridescent Hide, Demonhide to Luminous Hide, Netherhide to Arcane Hide, Warhide to Celestial Hide
  • Renamed armors that relied on old leathers: Wruneleather to Shabby, Skulkleather to Patched, Crocleather to Elegant, Rogleather to Radiant, Demonleather to Lucent, Netherleather to Mystic, Warleather to Divine
  • Swapped Netherdemon and Warden locations, now that leathers are fixed
  • Renamed items: Forgotten Quiver to Quiver Trove, Moonjackal Body to Moonjackal Chestpiece, Nyctonaut Body to Nyctonaut Chestpiece, Razorwind Body to Razorwind Chestpiece, Warden's Chest to Guardian's Chest, Warden's Key to Guardian's Key, Adage of the Ancients to Titan Takedown, Meridian Wax to Abyssal Dominator
  • Added new items Sylvan Grip, Scavenger's Lens, Giant Bone, Grimstone Cache, Nautica's Strongbox, Thornsap Coffer, Wren's Trove, Croakreaver Fin, Leafsong Resin, Stoneheart Shard, Arachnodon Fang, Luminous Coral Shard, Mystic Kraken Ink, Deepwater Pearl, Shadowed Leviathan Scale, Greater Tome of Scavenging, Greater Tome of Woodcutting, Greater Tome of Mining, Greater Tome of Fishing, Guardian's Rune Stone, Celestial Alloy Ingot, Guardian's Essence Shard, Apple Pie, Peach Pie, Coconut Mead Cake, Flask of Mead
  • Removed Peachfoil Potion, Cyclone Soup, Magnarax Potion, returning 10% of all the resources used to create them
  • Arachnodon's, Boulderfists, Croakreavers and Maplethorns now drop new resource items, and there are NPCs around town looking for these resources.
  • Updated production requirements for tools and some weapons
  • You can attempt to construct an Ogum's Razor by interacting with Fragmented Ogum Claw and Luminous Leather in your inventory. Be careful though, they're fragile and you might just end up with Bone Dust.
  • Some new NPCs have arrived at the Emporium
  • Gathering Tomes are now tradable
  • Guardians now deal increased damage
  • Fixed Lethal Adrenaline being applied to back cosmetics instead of the player
  • Fixed Hamlin and Isobella missing back cosmetic slots
  • Fixed the two handed axe appearing to trigger faster with the 3rd attack
  • Fixed Eggdemon movement
  • Fixed virtual rarities that had the wrong damage values
  • Show time remaining for Passive Effects when you mouse over them
  • Added a roll cooldown to the buffs bar
  • Added favorite toggle to the production window, which matches what's already in the skills window