Apocalyptic Nightmares

Apocalyptic Nightmares

A Lost Relics Halloween Mini-Event


‘Twas a dark and stormy night in the isolated town of Talmuth. An eerie sense of calm, yet undeniable expectation of chaos, could be felt from afar. Autumn’s dawn had arrived, a time Talmuthian’s would come to know too well. The long nights signaling the beginning of the end for most, while a sense of perilous preparation plagued the minds of those with hope. One belief was for certain, an inescapable feeling of dread could only mean one thing; this moment was not like before. The souls who once protected the town from malevolent forces were no longer near; a community left unguarded. If survival was what they desired, they would have but one hope; to fight like hell!

Event Summary

It’s that time of the year again! A time when the veil between the living and the dead is at its lowest, and Darthrauka decides to spend his limited vacation days in the tiny town of Talmuth. Why does he choose to spend this marvelously evil time in such a miserable excuse for a civilization? A place where a passerby can barely find a cold drink, or warm meal? A place where its citizens choose to gather resources while being attacked by vicious monsters, instead of just growing them in town? A place without modern plumbing? Good question! It’s because I do whatever the hell I want to!

That’s right, this platform is mine now, this is my article, I’m taking over! The overlord of the underworld has gotten rid of that god you call Cliff, and turned that silly little robot Cory, into a non-recyclable soda can! You listen to me very carefully. Do you wanna play a game? Rhetorical question; you don’t have a choice. You do what I say, when I say it, or you cease to exist, got it? Now go on, read the rest of my breathtaking example of the written word. I spent a lot of time on this article, and you better enjoy it!

Secret Transmission: Welcome to our miniature Halloween event, and we hope you enjoy it! This is Cliff, and I’ll be sending these secret transmissions for you, as I remain banished in an undisclosed nether realm, with surprisingly accommodating Wi-Fi access. Cory unfortunately is now just an aluminum can and no longer possesses the ability to speak. Or do much of anything.

My Shop, My Rules

I came across some terrible items a while back; some things you’d probably be interested in collecting. I found them laying under some dead guy, don’t think he’ll be needing them anytime soon. Most of them were broken, so I tossed them away, but if you’re interested in something semi-functional, go find them, bring me the parts, and I’ll throw them back together for you, for a fee of course.

New items that can be created via parts
New items that can be created via parts

In exchange for Creepy Coins, I’ve also got a couple of other items for sale. I’m your one-stop shop for everything mediocre! Hey, at least they’ll fit your personalities to perfection!

Secret Transmission: The items are actually really great, and most of you have really great personalities, he’s just woken up on the wrong side of hell! Most of these parts can be found within Mysterious Pumpkins, and in order to form them, you will have to bring Darthrauka the parts, as well as a fee of Creepy Coins.

Pumpkins Still Pumpin’

I’m so sick of these things already. Every year these dumb pumpkins pop up, and you measly wimps decide to collect them, break them open, and hope for some trash item to be found inside. You know what you don’t do? You don’t clean up the remains after you smash them open, and then I step all over them, dirtying my silk robes! Ugh, filthy mortals.

Mysterious Pumpkin
Mysterious Pumpkin

Anyway, as usual, these pumpkins can be found just about anywhere, and will contain more garbage items for you to collect. They will be tradable as well, so if any of you want to spend some silly gold coins on them, go ahead. On the other hand, I wouldn’t mind some more of those Creepy Coins, so maybe I’ll be selling some of these orange gourds myself!

Some of the items that can be found inside of Mysterious Pumpkins
Some of the items that can be found inside of Mysterious Pumpkins
Secret Transmission: These pumpkins contain a bunch of new and returning goodies, and will also be your main source for the Token of Darkness. You will be able to find them just about anywhere, including on adventures, the wheel of darkness, and while trick or treating. If you have an active pendant, you will be able to withdraw as many pumpkins as you can carry, from adventures. However, If you’re a free player, you will be limited to 1 per adventure.

Round We Go Again

Here we go again. My wheel spins, I give you items, transaction completed. As usual, you’ll need to find my Tokens of Darkness if you wanna take it for a whirl. Never hire a bloody intern to handle those things, he had one job, and now my tokens are scattered everywhere! Needless to say, he’s unemployed now, due to his life being taken and all.

Anyway, just activate my tokens, and they’ll automatically find their way to me. Here’s a sneak preview of this silly wheel and the junk it contains:

Wheel of Darkness
Secret Transmission: You will be able to obtain these tokens from various places, including Mysterious Pumpkins, as well as Nightmare Boxes in the shop. In order to spin the wheel of darkness, simply access the Prize Wheel like you normally do. If you’ve got a Token of Darkness, the Wheel of Darkness will magically appear. The wheel contains many great prizes, and is the exclusive source of the new and powerful Nyctonaut Armor!

Scrolls Still Ain’t Dead

Oh great, these again. For some reason you foolish adventurers obey the laws of a piece of paper, instead of just calling each other whatever you want to, or, you know, actually earning your accolades. Well guess what, you’re all dorks to me, how’s that for a title?

Scroll of the Dead
Scroll of the Dead

Nevertheless, as usual, these ancient scrolls will grant you a totally serious title upon reading. Among these titles will contain shiny variants (don’t even get me started on those). Here are a few of the new titles that are available for you to collect, assuming you still want them after you’ve finished crying from my mockery:

Titles that can be obtained from a Scroll of the Dead
Titles that can be obtained from a Scroll of the Dead
Secret Transmission: These titles are actually awesome, and so are the shiny versions, don’t listen to him, it’s his time of the year. There will be a total of 13 new titles to collect, and you will have a 3% chance of obtaining a shiny variant of the title you roll. As usual, these titles will be exclusive to this event, so collect them while you can. Don’t forget, any duplicates you get will be counted and remembered for later!

Even Deathlier Deeds

As I said earlier, you will do what I say, when I say it, or you will meet your end. In this case, I’ve got some errands that I need taken care of. I’d prefer however, not to eliminate you for disobedience, as that would force me to run off and find some new mortals to do my bidding, and ain’t nobody got time for that.

This is why I’ll be enticing you to complete my missions, not only with the fear of death, but also through reward. Complete a task, get a treat, the end.

Understand? Good, and keep is snappy, we’ve got a deadline to meet!

Deathly Deeds
Secret Transmission: As was the case with last Halloween, Darthrauka has gotten rid of your usual daily goals, and replaced them with his horrendous deathly deeds. If you’d rather choose death, nobody would blame you. For each mission completed, you will be granted a reward, ranging from items such as Tokens of Darkness, to Creepy Coins, and Mysterious Pumpkins.

Lockets Of Lunaria

I’ve racked up quite a few kills over the years, including countless feeble Lunarians such as yourselves. I’ve collected a bunch of these worthless blue piggybanks during this time, and I’ll be giving them away on my Wheel of Darkness, in exchange for my precious tokens.

Supposedly they’re used to store that joke of a currency that you nerds all cherish, and are often worn as a necklace, as if begging to be robbed. What a bunch of big brains you lot are!

A valuable Lunalocket
A valuable Lunalocket
Secret Transmission: Darthrauka is giving away around 20,000 Luneri over the course of this event. Lunalocket’s will also be found within Mysterious Pumpkins. They’re rather durable, so if you’d like to obtain the Luneri that’s stored within, you’re going to have to break them open using some sort of tool.

The Nightmare Chest

Speaking of Lunalockets, I’m going to need a bunch of Luneri in order to fill some of these up, so head on over to the shop and purchase one of my new Nightmare Chests.

Nightmare Chest
Nightmare Chest

Yes, you heard that right, I control everything now, including the shop! if you’re in the market for any new wares this year, you’ll be dealing directly with me!

Anyway, I’ve decluttered my closet and tossed a bunch of rubbish into these chests; things that would be perfect for defective mortals such as yourselves. In total, I’ll be selling exactly 525 of them, when they’re gone, they’re gone.

There will be 4 different items for you to collect, and I’ll even toss in a Spooky Sack to make it worth your while. Here’s a sneak peek:

4 new cosmetics to collect
4 new cosmetics to collect

Included in these Nightmare Chests, will also be 5 new and exclusive titles for you to collect. I figured since you guys like to spend your precious wealth on undeserving nicknames (rather than honorably earning them), why not take full advantage of that? Come one, come all, I’ve got titles for each and every one of you!

Titles available inside of Nightmare Chests
Titles available inside of Nightmare Chests
Secret Transmission: Each Nightmare Chest will guarantee 1 cosmetic item, as well as a Spooky Sack, and 1 guaranteed title. There will be varying odds, and your chances of obtaining a higher rarity cosmetic will be more difficult. Each cosmetic has a fixed supply as well. So pay attention to the individual item pages on the website (or the tooltips), in order to see the circulating supplies, and what’s still available within these chests.

Spooky Sacks

At the end of the day, I’m a business man (I’m actually a god, but you know what I mean), and if Luneri is the currency you lamebrains choose to cherish, I’ll be sure to collect as much of it as I can, while I’m here. Only to use them against you in the foreseeable future, of course!

Along with select Luneri-priced purchases made within my shop, I will be including these rare and exclusive, environmentally unfriendly plastic bags, containing some super valuable goodies that’ll surely trick you into buying my wares!

Spooky Sack
Spooky Sack
Secret Transmission: You are all very smart people, don’t listen to him! Also, it turns out these goodie bags aren’t all that bad. They will include various items such as Mysterious Pumpkins, Scrolls of the Dead, and 2 unique shiny titles (Guaranteed to be shiny!) Each bag will grant 2 rolls of the contents within, and you will therefore be given 2 rewards with each.

Mostly Tricks, Very Few Treats

The town of Talmuth has like 2 total kids, and half of them are on a sugar-free diet, who are you kidding? Everybody knows that this tradition is all about grown adults acting like toddlers, while going door-to-door collecting stale bonbons from their just-as-childish neighbors. It’s just sad, grow up already, get some help.

Anyway, whatever, go ahead, I give you permission. I wouldn’t mind seeing a few good tricks, might even give me a slight giggle.

Trick or Treat
Secret Transmission: Door-to-door trick or treating is back. You will be able to ring the doorbells of the houses in Talmuth, and collect a treat at various times of the day. These treats will consist of an assortment of items, but you will be guaranteed 1 Mysterious Pumpkin with each ring. If you’re lucky (and spooky enough), the occupants might give you more.

Otherwordly Onlookers

You thought you could get rid of my undead minions that easily? Think again! My hollowheads are back, and just like last year, these ghouls will be keeping an eye on the happenings around Talmuth, making sure you foolish blockheads aren’t up to any funny business.

Think of them as a form of walking surveillance; unrelenting underling’s with attitude. Go ahead, try and take them out, that’ll only make them come back with vengeance, and far more angry!

Secret Transmission: According to the underworldly gossip down here, this is just an empty threat, Hollowheads don’t actually have the capacity to evolve emotionally, or physically, phew! They do however like to steal and collect various items on their travels, so ridding them may very well be worth your while!

Filthy Founders

Oh yes, time to talk about the absolute genuine founder’s of Talmuth; those who fought valiantly, risking life and limb over the creation of this miserable town. You being serious right now? Unlike you imposters, I was actually there on the day of its founding. Who do you think caused the unfortunate fall, and ultimate demise of the would-be queen? Who do you think closed off the caves, creating a land of pure isolation? Who do you think planted those cute little purple flowers? I mean the poison ivy! The ivy! I misspoke, I swear! Point is, I was there, but you? Not sure much.

Founder’s Token
Founder’s Token

Although you may be a group of fake founders, you do happen to be steadfast warriors, who are quite accomplished, and very capable of doing what needs to be done. This is why I’ll be granting you extra special missions, that I’ll need you to take care of. I’m feeling generous, so I’ll even toss in a reward or two, but they better be done correctly, you hear me?

Secret Transmission: Founder’s Token holders will be granted 2 extra Deathly Deeds per day, for the duration of the event, giving you an extra shot at snagging a fabulous reward.

Release Notes

  • Talmuth has been transformed into a Halloween hellscape
  • Readjusted and balanced all monsters and adventures to create a better progression curve for players, taking into account the gaps in the virtual and digital collectibles and focusing on consumable use
  • Armor properties for Guardian, Olkepthian, Moonjackal, Razorwind, Nyctonaut, and Doomorak have been updated so that these armors break, but 10x less than all other armors. Once you open the Armor Remains, the parts you didn't claim will be thrown back into the loot pool for others to find.
  • Added new cosmetics to the Splendor Chest
  • Updated all monster types as some were using the wrong type
  • Updated Heart of the Horde and Beast Lock to perform better
  • Updated Horn of the Forsaken, Frosty Diversion, Eerie Epitaph, Serpentina's Vengeance, Seal of the Warden, and Eggdemon duration, cooldown, energy use and removed the use limits (This will be monitored going forward and may be adjusted)
  • A healthy helping of quality of life changes and bug fixes
  • Who turned out the lights in the tavern?