Welcome To Lunaria

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A world without appellation, a land of no root; what was it, how did it get there? History had been written, yet origins remained, unknown. Is a world, simply a world, or could more meaning, subsist? Millennia of notable historics, and growth, all transpired, yet the people remained unacquainted, with truth. As dialogue continued to contemplate existence, historians began to notice a pattern of implausible, occurrence. A single word would emerge, and make it’s presence felt, as if the stars were aligning, in the darkest of skies. A word that would appear a constant, amongst all forms of ancient text; Lunaria. Was this their home? From their estimation, there could be no other meaning.

From my estimation, I think it’s time to continue on with this article!

Homeward Bound

An old world, with a newly discovered name, Lunaria will now become a reference point for all that exist, within the expansive world, of Lost Relics. Earthlings have Earth, Martians have Mars, and Lunarians, have Lunaria. It’s actually quite simple, so let’s just jump straight ahead.

There does exist a world outside the walls of Talmuth, and it’s not just accessible from that magical cave, which teleports you to various locations, trying to end your life, no. Places a bit more casual, than those.

The world of Lunaria is vast, but exploration won’t come easy. It’ll take time before Talmuthian innovation can finally burrow through it’s obstacle, of limited transportation. Although, some say it’s right around the corner, quite literally.

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Regardless, with new mysteries to discover, new lands to explore, and new challenges that await, mark your Lunarian calendar for the year 2023, because it’s shaping up to be, a doozy!

Introducing Luneri

The official premium currency of Lost Relics, Luneri (lune-air-ee) has now become your key to all things, shop-related!


Whether you’re in the market for a new Outfit, Pet, Morph, or even a fabulous Pendant, all roads will require you to get your hands on these vital coins, before being able to proceed with your transaction.

Be it cryptocurrency, shadowstones, or credit cards, no matter your preferred payment method, you will first be required to purchase Luneri, and credit your account, before being able to make a purchase from our new shop. This is due to the fact that, every single item, is now priced, in Luneri!

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As you can imagine, the introduction of such currency, opens up the doors to a world of new possibilities, and opportunities, while creating a much more user-friendly experience, for all.

New Shop! New Look! New Location!

Our website shop has officially moved; in-game!

Gone are the days of having to open a browser window, just to be able to access the wonder that is, the Lost Relics shop! Why not simply provide players with an all-in-one experience, and eliminate that inconvenient, externality? Our thoughts exactly!

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The moment you launch your Lost Relics game client, and log in, you will be greeted by our newly designed, lobby screen. From here, you will now be able to access our freshly fashioned shop, and experience all that it has to offer!

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From sleek new tiles, to full-scale, 3D models, this new shop won’t just impress you with its aesthetics, but the user experience it provides, will feel more seamless, than ever!

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Unactivated accounts will be able to purchase Luneri, via the website, in order to activate their account. After that, the shop will only appear within the game.

That wasn’t so bad, was it? Short and sweet. Well, what are you waiting for? Head on in there, and start holding! Oh, and one more thing…. WINTER IS COMING!

Release Notes

  • Entire shop system has been moved into the in-game Main Menu
  • New Virtual Currency Luneri added for use within the in-game shop
  • Credit Card payments are now available
  • Optimized and pre-loaded additional content so that moving around town and into/out of buildings requires no loading screen
  • Fixed spinning on the spot sometimes when you interact with objects
  • Minor fixes and tweaks