14 Days Of Night

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Something sinister is brewing in Talmuth, but first, here to present our opening number, the shade with the blade, the ruler who couldn’t be cooler, the one, the only, the almighty, hooded leader of darkness himself… DARTHRRRRAUUUUKKAAAAAA! (please clap).

♫ Bloodstains on armor and stories unwritten
Bright flashy colors and frequently bitten
Small painted packages, tied up with strings
These are a few of my most hated things…

Red-colored phonies and dumb little doodles
Heroes and nobles, and people with poodles
Mortals that whine with their arms in their slings
These are a few of my most hated things…

Stepping on poison and terrible rashes
People that moan about drop rates and stashes
Children who have fun and play on their swings
These are a few of my most hated things…

When the suns bright
The wound stings
When I’m feeling sad
I simply remember my favorite things…


And then I don’t feel so bad. ♫

Alright, now that we’ve got that out of the way, let’s move onto some more pressing matters.

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Event Summary

As you can tell by that marvelous introduction, Darthrauka is back, and this time, he hasn’t come alone!

Why show up in the middle of October, when you can wait until the only day that truly matters? A day that makes the most sense, when trying to conquer your enemy. A day when you’re at your most powerful, and the veil between the living and the dead, is as thin as can be. His thoughts exactly!

With Halloween night in full effect, Darthrauka has decided to proceed with his most powerful onslaught yet, by casting a shadow of darkness around the town of Talmuth, and unleashing unholy hell upon its citizens!

With the help of his loyal henchman Conqueron, and his army of undead Slenderbone, it will be up to the citizens of this quaint town, to withstand the assault, and send these goons back from whence they came…

... but it won’t be easy!

In order to restore the light, brave warriors must be willing to step up, and fight. Fear must become an afterthought, for if Talmuth falls, as will they. They must venture out into the wild, and overtake this army of skeletal warriors, before they ever have a chance of reaching their home.

Talmuth is the last hope of survival, for all that is good. That’s it. Fight, or perish, no other options remain…

… This is WAR!

Conqueron Reborn

Look who finally decided to show up! One of Darthrauka’s most loyal henchman, and ruthless commander of the Slenderbone horde, has risen, and is looking to wreak havoc, once again.

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You won’t find Conqueron stepping foot in Talmuth however, but there is a way of forcing him to make an unanticipated appearance. An ancient coin, with incredible power, will be key to unlocking the path of coming face to face, with this vile being.

Summoner’s Silver
Summoner’s Silver

Find the coin, unleash its power, fight the brute. Sounds easy enough, let’s just hope you’re up for the challenge. If you do manage to slay this infamous beast, you may very well be rewarded for your efforts. Just don’t expect him to stay dead for very long!

It Takes A Village

Time to slay some slendies? Looks like you’re not going to have a choice!

Along with Conqueron, comes his undead legion of skeletal warriors, looking to debone anything that may enter their path. Having amassed a seemingly infinite number of fighters among their ranks, you can guarantee that the Slenderbone will make their presence felt, everywhere.

The only place left to invade? Talmuth itself! Whether it survives, will be up to its heroic citizens, and their willingness to fight. It’s their mission to venture out into these lands, and slay these minions, before they even get the chance to march towards Talmuth.


Over the course of centuries, the Slenderbone have conquered many lands, and ended many lives. The souls of the countless victims, remain trapped inside these undead, animated remains, hoping to be freed. Whether or not they get their wish, is yet to be seen.

The next 2 weeks will determine how many Lost Souls are freed, and if Talmuth can survive a potential onslaught. If Talmuth doesn’t fall, those who have freed the most souls, will be greatly rewarded for their courageous heroics, with a 1 of 10, Heroes Offering.

What’s contained within these unique gifts? This is yet to be known, but fellow citizens of Talmuth, are renowned for their generosity with their rewards, so they will surely be special.

Will this be the last time we ever see Conqueron and his goons? Probably not him; immortal beings tend to never die. But if his army of undead soldiers can be taken out, it would surely hinder his plans of otherworldly domination!

Heroes Offerings
Heroes Offerings

1 of 10 Heroes Offering, will be granted to the top 10 players, who have freed the most souls. The winners will decide which color gift they’d prefer, in order from 1st, to 10th place. These items will be tradable.

Doomsday Headquarters

Every town needs a base of operations, especially when they’re on the brink of catastrophic obliteration, with nowhere left to turn. A place where citizens can come together, to devise plans, and share collected intelligence.

Talmuth is no different. Their safe haven? The tavern, of course! Who woulda thought? A bar with no tender, bedrooms without doors, unspeakably filthy floors, and let’s not even talk about that bath water, yuck.

But with a town in crisis, it’s all hands on deck, and as it turns out, this oversized pub is the only place in town, capable of housing all of its citizens… so it’ll have to do.

Located within this newly found command center, you will find a few new changes, including a fresh-faced bartender, who just so happens to now have replenished stock, as well as a Slenderboard.

Tavern bar items
Tavern bar items

This Slenderboard is a live tracker, where the citizens of Talmuth will be keeping records of all the Lost Souls that have been freed, as a result of slaying the undead creatures, known as Slenderbone. The top 10 players to have their names appear on this list, will be granted a generous Heroes Offering, if the town happens to survive, that is.

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Le Mysterious Pumpkins Are Mysterious

What happens when farmers leave their pumpkin patches unattended, during the month of October? Evil infiltrates their very core, of course.

Although inedible, they do appear to grow, or at least conjure, some very spooky objects, from within. Some may consider this a spectacular win, the only problem is, you’re going to have to eliminate the most vile of creatures, in order to obtain them. There’s also the alternate method, for those too scared of taking that risk; let others do it for you!

Whether you choose to hunt down these Mysterious Pumpkins yourself, or buy them off of the Emporium, from other players, their contents should undoubtedly peak your interest. Just remember not to serve them for dinner!

Mysterious Pumpkin
Mysterious Pumpkin

Deal With Darkness

Another year, another chance for Darthrauka to acquire his precious Creepy Coins, in exchange for leftover junk, from the back of his closet.

Creepy Coins
Creepy Coins

Little does he know, one man’s junk, is another man’s treasure, and these hair-raising artifacts, are more powerful than they appear. From solitary pieces of armor, to edible holiday treats, collecting those orange tokens, will surely be worth your while!

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A few of the items available to collect

Little Shop Of Horrors

Looking to acquire some limited edition, Halloween 2022 NFT’s? Well you’re in luck! Head on over to the Lost Relics website shop, where you will be able to find exactly that!

Whether you’re in the market for a new Outfit, new Pet, or even a new Morph, there’s a little something for everyone. It’s also the perfect opportunity to gift that special someone in your life, with an exclusive halloween nft, via our recently added Gifting system!

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Just a few of the new Halloween 2022 nft’s

These blockchain items are extremely limited in supply, and all purchases from the shop, help to directly support the continued development of Lost Relics. The outfits and pets will remain in the shop, until sold out.

Be sure to make use of the spooky deal on the shop during the event, where you’ll be rewarded with bonuses, as you spend!

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Bonus Mysterious Pumpkin for Every $5 you spend and Bonus Token of Darkness for every order over $20!

The deal is only active while the above banner is displayed on the website. If you don’t see the banner, the deal isn’t active yet!

Spin ‘Till You Drop

Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but whomever was in charge of that so called “Wheel Of Wonder”, is no longer with us. Darthrauka allegedly had a wonderful time with their corpse, pun intended.

Anywho, looks like he’s running things now, and when Darthrauka is in control of something, you know it can’t be pleasant. Lucky for you, he likes to play with his food before he eats it, so who knows, maybe he’ll toss you a toy or two, just to keep you motivated. He does appear to be seeking some mysterious tokens, after all.

Now dubbed the Wheel Of Darkness (patent pending), this revised classic, is sure to leave you trembling in fear, or quivering in delight, if you’re so lucky. With numerous prizes to collect, and countless spins to be had, if you do end up perishing, at least you won’t be leaving empty handed. You can take that to the grave!

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A few of the items available to collect

Labor Of Despair

Along with the wheel handler, the clerk who manages the Talmuth Goals department, has also been eliminated. I know, sad news, but that’s what happens when Darthrauka strolls into town, so it was expected… rip Bob.

Anyway, down to business. Darthrauka loves the idea of mortals doing intense labor, in exchange for goods of little worth, and has a few Deathly Deeds of his own, that need taken care of. Complete his tasks, and get rewarded, sounds simple, right?

Who knows, maybe he’ll even toss in something a bit more valuable, if he’s feeling generous.

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Deathly Deeds

Terrifying Titles

Looks like the ancient Scroll Of The Dead manuscripts, have once again, been unearthed. As usual, they appear to be seeking a host, to label horrifying nicknames upon.

With over 20 new Titles to collect, there’s a little something for everyone, including frightening favourites, such as:

  • Warlock Noluck
  • The Talmuth Strangler
  • Scream Queen
  • Major Nightmare

Honor or insult, after you’ve read one of these spooky scrolls, you can feel confident in knowing what the forces of evil, truly think of you.

Don’t take it personal, remember, you don’t choose evil, evil chooses you!

Scroll Of The Dead
Scroll Of The Dead

Fallen Armor Of Reconstruction

With new armor, comes new rules.

Our first, event-exclusive armor, won’t be as exclusive as you’d expect. Although players will decide the total supply of this armor, unlike other virtual items, this number will not be sinking… not permanently at least.

This new mechanic will function a little differently than what you’ve seen before. As players inevitably die with this armor, its fallen remains will become scattered around, and entered back into circulation, to be dropped once again.

This new method of operation, will create an interesting dynamic of supply, vs demand, that may only be resolved through death. If you seek a missing piece, and wish to assemble this armor, but a fellow player is unwilling to sell you theirs, you’ll only be left with two options. Trade yours away, or wait until another player falls!

Armor lost on death, during the course of the event, won’t be added into circulation. This new armor mechanic will only take affect, following the end of the event.

Doomorak Armor
Doomorak Armor

Monsters - Class of 2022

As we work towards progressing the game to a more structured state, there was no way that we could forget about our ever-expanding, index of monsters.

For too long, these monsters have felt uncategorically broad. By having no real identity, there has always been confusion in regards to their attack styles, and characteristics. But more importantly, it was becoming clear that we were missing out on an unexplored, avenue of potential.

By visually, and internally, assigning our monsters with structure, it will open up the door for countless possibilities, that will impact every facet of the game. From questing, to effects, to adventures, these new classifications will help to create some much-needed balance, within our constantly changing, world.

As with everything, we will slowly make adjustments over time, but for now, we’ve introduced 6 new categories of monster:

  • Standard
  • Nature
  • Mystic
  • Aerial
  • Pyro
  • Undead

We’ve also gone ahead and listed every monster’s various attack styles, within their individual tooltips, which will help to provide players with critical information, regarding their enemies.

Monster Types
Monster Types

This is only the beginning. As time goes on, we will be improving this system tremendously, including adding information in regards to monster effects, as well as their unique stats. Needless to say, the future looks bright.

Founder’s Token Bonus

Founder’s Token
Founder’s Token

Founder’s Token holders with an active membership will receive Mysterious Pumpkins every day, within the first 7 days of the Event, for every Founder’s Token they hold in their wallet, during this time. They will also receive an exclusive mystery title, on the 8th day!

Day 1: 1 x Mysterious Pumpkin
Day 2: 2 x Mysterious Pumpkin
Day 3: 3 x Mysterious Pumpkin
Day 4: 4 x Mysterious Pumpkin
Day 5: 5 x Mysterious Pumpkin
Day 6: 6 x Mysterious Pumpkin
Day 7: 7 x Mysterious Pumpkin
Day 8: 1 x Exclusive Mystery Title

The Founder’s Token must be in a wallet that’s associated with a game account, and the account must be active recently, otherwise you won’t receive anything. The Mysterious Pumpkins are in game virtual items and can be opened yourself, or traded with other players in the game for Gold Coins. Any unopened Pumpkins and Gifts will turn to dust at the end of the event.

Extra Goodies

  • Standard town-nodes replaced by door-to-door, trick r’ treating
  • Soccer balls have been transformed into jack o’ lanterns
  • Morphs are moving a little different these days
  • Main menu has been redesigned
  • New creatures roaming around Talmuth, feel free to eliminate them
  • And much, much, more…

Release Notes

  • Fixed Scavenge node collision
  • Moved Passive Effect buffs and debuffs to their own bars
  • Fixed Eggdemon doing damage when it explodes, and increased it's health to 1500
  • Increased Frosty Diversion health to 1500
  • Removed various environment, substance and monster specific modifiers from weapons. I.e. Bows no longer have a debuff on certain monsters
  • Adjusted the size of the Full map when it's centered
  • Adjusted player and interaction hitboxes. The hitboxes are small around town, since there's no frantic gameplay, making it easier to navigate, instead of accidentally interacting
  • Monsters can now choose to favor targets based on their dps. Mini-bosses can now choose to target something else damaging them, i.e. if a player attacks them while they're focused on an Eggdemon, they may switch targets
  • Fixed when monsters go out of range of the player, and then back in, being stuck
  • Fixed aim assist for ranged weapons, so that you can fire and hit monsters who are moving
  • Fixed monsters picking points to move away to, that appear to be close, but require a 10 minute jog to get there
  • Fixed being able to damage Grods when they haven't yet spawned
  • Fixed right click targeting no longer working if you have the auto hold option along with various other targeting issues with key combinations
  • Fixed minimap revealing random walls
  • Updated scroll portal to allow you to enter from any direction and also ensure when it's spawned, it's not spawned within a wall
  • Added /closedm command for direction messages
  • Added wall avoidance for the player character, to help with sliding/pushing along walls
  • Relics that reveal map parts no longer show walls, only the ground
  • Updated the main menu UI design
  • Added message if you don't have enough energy to execute a power attack
  • Updated the burn effect to make it more obvious