A deep dive into the latest changes in Lost Relics
All Adventures now use a completely new Generation system. We’ve moved away from the previous “Random Tile placement” (Where pre-made tiles, created by the team, are randomly arranged to create an adventure) to a more dynamic system which first generates a number of rooms, their features and how they’ll connect, and then generates their appearance, by building the rooms, walls, fences, and decorations.
The end result is you won’t recognise rooms you walk into, or their spawn locations, ensuring a unique experience every time you run the Adventure. Initially they’ll have a similar format, but over time we’ll expand this to add more variety.
We’ve also created new themes for the Adventures, and some adventure locations have finally been given their correct theme!
Over time we will improve the generator, but initial results have been extremely promising.
Not only has the appearance changed, but the monsters and interactivity have also been updated. It would be wise to be overly cautious when you run these new Adventures. Take extra health, and maybe a Teleport scroll too, in case you get overwhelmed.
The monster and environment dynamics have been updated too, as we’re trying a few new ideas. Be prepared to re-learn how you deal with them, you might find that you need a new loadout and different items to deal with what this update has to throw at you.
Daily login rewards are fun, but they do have their limitations. Due to their uniform rewards, and basic qualifications, they tend to get very dull, rather quickly, resulting in an unappealing experience for both the players, and even developers.
Nobody likes boring, and that’s why we’ve decided to scrap the old daily-login rewards, with an entirely revamped system of daily goals, along with a great set of everchanging rewards. Everyday you’ll be met with unique challenges, and opportunities, to collect various rewards for your successful completions.
Goals will evolve over time, and as we add more it’ll allow the game to choose from a more varied selection, ensuring you’ll have something new and interesting to both achieve and be rewarded with.
As with many aspects of Lost Relics, it pays to be a member, and this new feature is no different. As a member, you will receive twice the amount of daily goals as your f2p counterparts, making your potential for great rewards, far more likely.
The success of Christmas 2021 taught us a couple of things, Glacion is a ruthless menace to society, who must be stopped at all costs, and also, people love spinning wheels, and winning prizes!
The success of that event led us to one simple thought, why not make the prize wheel a permanent fixture within the game? We couldn’t think of many downsides (other than the copious amounts of grease needed to keep it spinning), so we proceeded to do just that.
In order to maintain a permanent prize wheel like this, a lot of balancing must occur first. You don’t want to give away too many prizes, and ruin the economy, but you also don’t want to reward people with too little, and not make it worth their while. We feel that we’ve found that sweet spot, where everybody will be happy with the results.
As of now, there is only one method available for acquiring the tickets needed to take a spin of this bad boy. Players will be able to collect them via the new daily goals system, and have the ability to receive more, depending on their membership status.
As time goes on, we will update the wheel rewards in order to keep things fresh, and promote balance, so if you’re looking for an item in particular, don’t hesitate to give it a spin while you can, because the next day, your item may be gone!
There are a slew of brand new music scores that tie into the time of day and adventures. We’ve been trying to ensure you don’t get bored hearing the same music over and over, and so we’ve updated the music within the game to help overcome this. In the future we may investigate procedural music generation, however for now, we hope you enjoy this new ear candy!
All monsters that were missing sounds and were recycling other monster sounds have now all been updated. You should now be able to learn which monster has spotted you simply by its shout!
Various environmental ambience sounds have also been added in order to further pad out the soundscapes. As you wander through the caves at Jhorth Grotto you might hear the wind howling across the stalactites or the subtle drip as mountain water finds its way beneath the surface.
Some of the new ambience effects are also tied into the weather system to help create a more well-rounded soundscape.
Lighting now updates in real time, so as you’re adventuring or running around town, time will pass and weather and light will update around you. You might even catch a beautiful Sunset over the mountains!
If there’s an evening thunderstorm rolling over Talmuth, it might be better to grab a drink at the Tavern, rather than adventuring out in the dark, wet, and cold.
Be aware, that if it’s dark and raining when you go adventuring, you should probably take a torch or some other object that provides light, with you, because if the cloud cover is low, you might only be able to spot the monsters from their glowing eyes!
Worst case, you could always cower under a tree and wait for the storm to pass, hoping the monsters don’t spot you, or that you don’t get struck by lightning, but that’s hardly a heroic way to go out and doesn’t make a great message for your gravestone.
Just made it out of an adventure by the skin of your teeth? Up till now you were instantly healed and your energy replenished, when you left an adventure. While this was a great benefit, it was actually adversely affecting the consumable economy. If you can only just survive an adventure without consumables, you never had to use them!
We’ve now changed how this works (from the old arcade system) to a new global system, that takes into account the consumables and the entire production economy. This fixes a large hole in the produced item economy and will help to ensure demand for consumables is at a normal level, aligning it with other ARPGs and MMOs.
So next time you barely survive an adventure, make sure you chow down on some fish or gulp a few energy potions to restore your vitals, before you jump back into the fray.
Passive effects have also been given the same treatment, so that if you use a long running potion near the end of an adventure, and exit, you’ll discover it hasn’t been reset and instead you can continue to use it in your next adventure!
A major, yet necessary change to consumables, has arrived.
Originally, the idea of including health potions within the game, made sense, but as time passed, and skills expanded, a glaring issue arose. We were now left with a dual-healing economy, and the skill of cooking was taking a backseat.
In order to restore order, and save the skills of fishing and cooking, health potions had to be removed. Along with the removal of health potions, there has been a major shakeup with Fish, which now heal instantly, rather than healing over a period of time.
Another noticeable issue, came as a result of viewing figures on player consumption, involving combat-related potions; they were low. For the most part, this was expected, because due to the length of Adventures, and short duration of potions, very few people felt as if these potions were a cost-effective way of playing.
As a result, we’re introducing a few new combat potions. These potions specifically offer generous buffs to your attack damage, while providing a greater duration, as well. The goal is to make players feel as if these potions are necessary to their travels, and this should definitely do the trick.
As for the remaining combat-related potions, don’t get discouraged. These brews may not feel like they’re necessary as of now, but as the game further develops, and new modes are introduced, those shorter-duration potions will play a pivotal role in determining one's thirst for victory.
With great power, comes great responsibility… or at least it should.
Carrying around two bows is messy. Ever get a bowstring stuck in your hair? What a disaster. Multiple swords? We’ve all experienced the unwanted poke of doom.
For the safety of all Talmuthian citizens, we’ve effectively banned the use of duplicate weapon styles. For the time being, adventurers will only be permitted to carry a maximum of 1 bow, and 1 melee weapon.
The balancing of various attack styles can be tricky. Due to the safety of firing from great distance, ranged attacks are generally considered to be the go-to method of combat. Whereas face-to-face melee attacks, are often far more dangerous, and costly. This has resulted in a lopsided player base of archers, who often don’t participate in the economy, especially when it comes to the consumables market.
Although there are noticeable differences of damage output between melee and ranged weapons, this alone has not been enough to promote balance within the play styles, and furthering this damage gap, would only make bows an unenjoyable experience overall.
With that being said, the introduction of arrows will play a pivotal role in facilitating the balance we hope to achieve.
For the most part, the supply of Arrows will be generated by the players, using a combination of items that are new and old, for their creation. This will further expand the reliance on the skills of Engineering and Forging, and promote greater stimulation of the economy, overall.
The introduction of arrows, this late into a live economy (and a game in general), is quite difficult. As such, we recognize that certain measures will have to be taken, in order to jumpstart its implementation. You will see a few examples of this, like the selling of arrows in the bounty shop. Some of these changes will only be temporary, as we work towards achieving a more balanced result.
We will be carefully monitoring everything over the coming weeks, and if needed, make necessary changes to certain mechanics surrounding arrows, as well. So do not get discouraged if things don’t feel quite right, as you’re only experiencing arrows, in their infancy.
Not all arrows are made alike. Some are far more powerful, and durable, than others. Because of these inherent differences, it’s only natural that some arrows would be capable of withstanding a direct attack, without being heavily damaged, and thus, making them reusable.
Once your character reaches a certain level, you will unlock the ability to preserve these arrows. The higher the rarity of arrow, the greater chance the arrow has of surviving an attack. Iron Arrows may seem cost-effective, at first, but when you’re damaging nearly every arrow on attack, those expensive Koridnium Arrows start to look far more attractive!
Forging and Engineering are no longer exclusively locked to members. You can now, as a free player, level up those skills to level 10, before you’re required to be a member.
Alchemy and Cooking have also been updated and are now capped to level 10 for free players. This now ensures that all production skills are perfectly aligned to each other.
This provides free players with a wider array of production opportunities, while giving members a far more important role in the economy. This necessary balance of production will create a more friendly experience for newcomers, as well as help to structure the economy in a more lucrative way, for all.
Although in a basic state (for now), the ability to add friends, and message them privately, has arrived!
While further expansion is still to come, we already have a great set of features, including the ability to add friends, block others, and message people privately (as long as both parties are online).
Whether you prefer to chat with people globally, or in a more individual setting, you’ve now got the best of both worlds, and friendships will surely blossom as a result.
With the Christmas update, you were able to take any rarity item into any adventure with you, as long as it was in your inventory, and not part of your equipment loadout. You just couldn’t use it.
Now however, you can consume any rarity Virtual Consumable (i.e., fish, food, and potions) in any adventure, no matter the rarity!
This means instead of taking in 6 Bron Trout (each heals for 300, for a total of 1,800) into an uncommon adventure, you could instead take in just 1 Chimera Trout (heals for 2,000).
This gives Cooks and Alchemists, a much wider audience for their wares, rather than just those higher skilled adventurers tackling the more difficult adventures!
Are you the chosen one? Well, maybe not yet, but you can be!
A mysterious force has been unleashed, and appears to be seeking a vessel to harness its power. Traveling from entity to entity, this mystical energy will grant immense power to whomever bears its uniquely potent ability, at least for a short while…
How long will this strange force remain? Nobody truly knows, but we do know one thing. Don’t go around trying to intentionally seek this power, because you don’t choose it, it… chooses you!
Gone are the days of disjointed windows! When equipping items from your stash, you’re now greeted with a new, sleek, and stylish side-panel, that’ll surely make navigation, a breeze.
Included within this new panel, is a (much requested) basic loadout feature! No longer will you be forced to waste countless minutes rearranging your items, just to run an alternate adventure.
With the ability to arrange multiple sets of loadouts in advance, exp-waste will now be a thing of the past.
As you level up, you’ll also unlock additional Loadout slots to make use of.
Some of the existing champion rewards have been more evenly spread out across the levels to give some better progression as you level up.
Additional rewards have also been added, and are discussed in this article.
As you level up, you unlock Champion Rewards. If you’re level 10 or later, your most valuable virtual item will be automatically protected on death!
And when you reach level 60, the second most valuable virtual item will be protected!
The value of the item is determined by the market value in the emporium.
Don’t worry about having to manually look up the market prices of your most valuable goods, either. Conveniently displayed on the Adventure-select screen, you will be shown the exact items that you will keep, if you just so happen to perish.
No longer should you be weary of your ultra-rare valuables, accompanying you on adventures. With this slight bit of protection, you can rest assured that death and destruction aren’t always permanent!
All thrown objects, such as explosives and relics will now be lobbed in the direction of your mouse cursor when you activate them. If your cursor isn’t too far out of range, you’ll be certain to have an accurate hit.
Previously, thrown objects would only be tossed in the direction that your player character was facing, and at a fixed distance.
We recommend you get comfortable with the use of explosives and other devices as they now come in extremely handy when disposing of monsters of all kinds!
Early on in your level progression, you’ll learn how to roll out of the way of monsters. This can come in handy if you find you’re getting swarmed by monsters and can be the difference between heroism and waking up at the graveyard.
You will roll in the direction of your mouse cursor, and if you’re surrounded by monsters, you’ll be able to roll through them to safety!
Rolling will use some energy and there’s a hidden cooldown, so be sure to practice and learn how best to use this handy new skill!
You are now able to spend Bounty Bucks to re-roll any of your Bounties.
Perhaps you want to challenge yourself and re-roll some easy Bounties to see if you can get a few more difficult ones, or maybe you’re not up to the task of a difficult bounty, so you want to re-roll for an easier version.
Well, now you can, the choice is yours, as long as you have enough Bounty Bucks to pay for the re-roll!
Being unhappy with their previous efforts of portal scrolls, the conjurers of Talmuth decided to completely remove the UI popup and prompt of the existing scrolls.
They’ve now replaced this confronting prompt with a much more engaging mini portal!
When you activate a portal scroll, a portal will open for a short period of time, allowing you a chance to finish off any business, before escaping back to safety.
This gives you a second chance to change your mind on the portal, or to activate it before going into tough combat and then sprinting back to dive through it if things get hairy.
Be warned though, these portals only remain open for a short time so be sure to use wisely!
For too long, when people have spoken about valuable items, you’ve been required to open the encyclopedia and stumble around searching for the item they’ve been discussing.
This is no longer the case and any item that’s mentioned in chat, that’s prefixed with ^ will automatically be converted into a link that you can hover your mouse over to get a full detailed tooltip!
You can also Alt+click a slot while the chat window is open and the item name will automatically be appended into the input box.
Most of you running around with your full armor sets, were well aware that the only part of you not protected, were your hands. Thankfully the Engineer’s Guild of Talmuth decided to rectify that, and have created detailed instructions on how to craft such useful attire!
In order to assemble an Armor set you will now need to have the Gloves and Gauntlets to go along with the set.
In light of these additions, some of our top scavengers, noticed that their trusty gloves weren’t always living up to their expectations. Between the torn threads, and punctured holes, these tools of gathering, simply weren’t meeting their standards.
This finding has created an industry-wide change, and led producers to bring back an old, yet trusty, scavenging implement. Sickles have been used for centuries, and with a new, and enhanced modification, they’re back, and better than ever!
Just like the Tools you know and love, player created Armor now breaks and is tradable on the marketplace.
When it breaks though, you’ll be returned a sack of the remaining pieces that managed to withstand the adventure. When you open the sack, the remaining pieces will be revealed and you can work towards reassembling the set.
The premium full-armor sets, found only on Adventures, will continue to be untradeable, and will not break. This will make them far more valuable, and highly sought after.
If you use Discord on Windows, the game will automatically associate your discord account with your Lost Relics account, as well as update your status when you start the game, run adventures, and change locations.
This integration goes further too:
If you’re a member, you’ll automatically unlock a members only Discord channel, similar to what happens in the in-game chat when you’re a member.
If you’re a founder, you’ll automatically unlock a founders only Discord channel too.
If you’re no longer a member or you no longer have a Founder’s Token, you’ll automatically lose access to the exclusive channels as well.
Additionally, the game will tell Discord what your in-game name is and rename you on the Lost Relics Discord server, so that others can much more easily identify you!
We’ve received urgent word that our current credit card payment provider (Circle) will no longer be servicing Companies in various regions, due to licensing issues, and one of those is Australia. They’ve informed us that we don’t have much time left until they can no longer offer Credit Card payments for us, so if you were thinking about making a purchase using your Credit Card, be sure to jump on that now as they’re not sure on the timing of when it’ll stop being offered!
We’re working on finding a new provider, but we’re not sure yet when that’ll be available. In the meantime you can still use Binance Pay, Crypto.com Pay, and Coingate to make payments directly from our web shop.
This patch is much larger than past updates, so we highly recommend you completely uninstall Lost Relics in preparation for the update. You can still go ahead and patch (it’s about 1.4GB), which is smaller than the new installer (it’s about 2.8GB), but the patch process will take longer than doing a clean install.
A clean install also ensures you haven’t got any cruft built up from all the patches over time. In the event there are problems with patching, you’ll need to do a clean install anyway.
We have a few recommendations for you, as there have been a lot of changes and we’re eager to ensure you have a great start.
The town has various changes and sometimes there’s new things to discover as you go about your business, so be sure to keep an eye out for new interactions or opportunities. These will evolve over time, but add some simple variety.
The changes with Champion Rewards, Skills and Daily Rewards can be overwhelming, so get familiar with them and start thinking about your goals.
We suggest you explore Talmuth and the Tavern first and look for what’s new and changed. Be aware that the weather system is global and dynamic and if a storm is brewing for you, it’ll be the same for everyone. You will find the torch and other lighting consumables very much needed if you’re heading outdoors in the dark, although moonlight does provide a lot of light if the sky is clear. Low cloud cover and stormy weather will affect your visibility, but you can counter it with a torch.
If you’re a long time player, you’ll be very familiar with how the game plays. We do however recommend you play it very safe to begin with, and take more consumables than you think you’ll need, then grab a few more. There’s a lot more variety in the higher tier adventures now and we’ve fine tuned it a little better to your higher rarity gear.
Monsters are different, adventures are revamped, some things are gone, others have been replaced. Take a deep breath. You will probably find this update challenging at first, and you may even declare it dead. However that’s just the graveyard, and it was you, not the game that died 😏
Try out the new Roll Action, it will come in handy to make a quick escape. It’s a great skill but will take some practice to master, like most of the changes. Be aware that you have limited arrows. Take plenty with you until you learn how it all works. Just like in life, practice makes perfect.
Don’t forget that the entire game has a player driven economy. If you need something and don’t want to make it yourself, ask someone else, and find what you need at the Emporium.
We suggest you start at the very first Adventure and make your way through all the easy adventures again, and see how you go. (Choose the appropriate loadout for each rarity adventure though and perhaps even take a Teleport Scroll (Those have changed too!))
Monsters, effects, sounds, music, graphics, interactions and loot have all been changed.
There’s even a new Quest in town to help hold your hand while you go back through the newbie Adventures, and if you succeed, you may even become a great hero! 😉
Be sure to play with music and sounds on for a while, we think you’ll enjoy the new soundscapes as we spent a good amount of time balancing the audio and music to ensure you don’t reach for the volume control.