Tempest of Transformation

A lot of changes have gone into this update, which follows hot on the heels of the Easter update.

Tempest of Transformation Image


There’s now a total of 15 adventures!

There are further themes to add in the future, but for now, these 15 Adventures have been rearranged and balanced, with resources shifted and scattered throughout. The Arcane Pits that you once knew, will now be vastly different, with new monsters and resources to explore.

Image 1
Image 2
Image 3

There are new rarity limits on all the Adventures to allow for more challenging encounters and to keep you on your toes.

For some of you, these changes may turn your world upside down, but hang in there, there’s a lot to take in!

Loot drops tend to be more rewarding if you challenge yourself more. If you’re constantly grinding the easiest adventure over and over again, and wondering why your rewards aren’t that great, maybe it’s time to test your skills by moving onto something a bit more difficult.


It’s been over a year since monsters were updated, and this patch brings out a whole new batch of these nasty critters. Some of the old monsters have been promoted to mini-bosses, while others have been scattered throughout various adventures.

New Monsters
A small sample of the new monsters you’ll encounter

I couldn’t quite squeeze Bosses in this time, as they really need a lot of attention, but rest assured they’ll be making their way to Talmuth in the very near future.

Some monsters can now summon other monsters. This adds to the fray and it’s a wise choice to seek out those doing the summoning, otherwise you might end up overwhelmed, and find yourself caught in a vicious loop.


Poisons, stuns, etc have all been adjusted. Monsters who previously stunned 100% of the time, and for a long duration, have all been adjusted to shorter times with randomness, but will pack a larger hit on their first hit. These will be adjusted over time.

Some older weapons and relics have gained new effects, with more to come in the upcoming patches.

Weapon Damage

All weapons now have damage values displayed. These values have remained the same for 2 years and were well overdue for some changes.

You can see the stats displayed in the tooltips.

Weapon Damage

If you’re a stats fiend, you can hold down shift before hovering over a weapon and the DPS (Damage per second) and DPH (Damage per hit) values will be displayed too.

Weapon Stats

It’ll take some time to get used to the new values, but that’s what makes humans so great, you can adapt and learn!

The values across rarities of the same weapon type are all still the same. Some weapons have effects which differentiate them some more.

Weapon Dynamics

Bows have been split into Short and Long variations, both with individual stats. Longbows can shoot further with more power, but are slower to fire.

The bows haven’t been slowed down at all, simply, the Shortbow was added with a faster rate of fire.

One-handed Axes have also been updated to have their own stats.

Some weapons will be more powerful depending on the situation you’re in and the play-style you prefer.

All damage values of weapons and monsters have been adjusted, so you will need to re-learn the benefits and the new combat dynamics this creates.

The values may be adjusted in the future. Take that into account when you’re making your trades.

Weapons you avoided before, might suddenly be your new best friends!

Explosive Helpers

Explosives come in very handy to make short work of groups of monsters.

They now feature a countdown and estimated range. Make sure you stand clear of the range or you could accidentally be caught up in the blast!

Personally I find Wayward Dynamite to be very rewarding!

Explosive Helpers

New Offchain Blockchain Weapons

The following weapons are available with the update and will start dropping in the various adventures!

The Lost Stampeder will drop in 1 weeks time. See the end of the article for why.

New Weapon 1
New Weapon 2
New Weapon 3
New Weapon 4
New Weapon 5
New Weapon 6

Blockchain Offchain Marketplace

When the update launches, the Marketplace will be disabled until things settle down.

I may choose a few select players to help with additional testing before it’s released to everyone.

Changing between the Virtual and Blockchain marketplaces

This marketplace is powered by Shadowstones which can be purchased with JENJ from the Enjin wallet. You can convert ENJ to JENJ using the Enjin wallet now.

Both the purchase of Shadowstones and the Marketplace will come online shortly after the update.


Initially, you will not be able to convert Shadowstones back into JENJ. This is simply to ensure a safe and stable system and double check that if there are any issues, everything can be restored.

Town Updates

The Emporium has been moved to a new location. Check the minimap to locate it!

The town changes over time, sometimes in small ways, sometimes in large ways.

Secrets sometimes materialize or disappear, if you’re a true adventurer you’ll know to occasionally scour for new additions.

Flour and Water Resources

Flour and Water are no longer global resources. Instead they’re more localized so that everyone can have a chance at obtaining them.

If you’re not up to the task, there’s always plenty available for sale in the Emporium.

Emporium Upgrades

The emporium has a few visual changes when creating offers. The details and currency used are displayed along with additional information where appropriate.

Emporium 1
Emporium 2

There’s also a confirmation screen when listing items to ensure you double check what you’re about to create an order for.

Confirmation Screen


Critical hit has been added to round out the chance of a miss. This dynamic will evolve over time and with future updates.

Some rooms will lock upon entry and will only open once all monsters are disposed of. In more difficult adventures there’s a chance for Mini-bosses to spawn too. Sometimes a chest will appear on the map, but won’t materialize until one of these rooms has been completed.

Monsters have new health and damage values. You’re going to find it weird and possibly more difficult than what you’re used to, but this is because you’ve become accustomed to the old way. Take some extra potions with you and possibly a teleport scroll while you get used to it.

Titles now have rarity

All titles (new and existing) have been assigned a rarity based on when they occurred. This means that wherever your title is displayed, it’ll be colorized to the rarity.

The window where you choose your Title has also been redesigned to accommodate this change.

Title Window

Quality of Life

There’s a ton of new QOL updates. Some of the more hidden updates are:

Hold Ctrl when middle clicking to exclude tools in your inventory. This ensures you keep your tools in your inventory when you’re offloading all your items in the stash.

The Stash now has a drop-down menu to choose an Adventure. This will filter your entire Stash to the limits of the Adventure, meaning you no longer need to remember which items you can use there.

Stash Filter

There are plenty of other updates, the rest I’ve left for you to discover yourselves!

New Daily Rewards

The Daily rewards have been refreshed slightly and there’s now a new Mystery Reward. Who knows what you may find.

The countdown timer will appear at all stages now too and everyone’s timer depends on when they started, rather than it being synched to the server and possibly out of step with your schedule.

Daily Rewards

Website Player Profiles

You now have a player profile available on the website!

You can search for players at https://lostrelics.io/players or directly navigate to them from the Leaderboards.

Initially, you’ll be able to see skills and a player’s loadout, with more things to come in the near future.

Player Profiles
Player Loadout

Patch Notes and News

News and Patch Notes have been combined into the one stream at https://lostrelics.io/updates

This allows you to always see the latest information about what’s happening.

Fiat Payments

I’ve been too busy working on the update to be able to complete this yet. It’s next on my list though and I’m hoping to have a solution up and running soon. In the mean time you can continue to make payments with cryptocurrency.

An old friend makes a return

About 2 years after the first event ‘Stampede’ was held. Stampede tokens were discovered in the dungeons and later could be turned in for other items.

There are still a lot of tokens floating around on the marketplaces or hidden in wallets.

I was hoping to reclaim them all but it’s proved very difficult.

As a final chance, you can turn in 6 Stampede Tokens to claim ‘The Lost Stampeder’; a rare Two-Handed sword.

There’s no need to go ahead with this, this is just a special 2 year anniversary for those who read this far.

If you don’t have any but want to guarantee yourself The Lost Stampeder, you might still be able to pick up some from other players at the EnjinX marketplace at https://enjinx.io/eth/asset/18000000000005e1/ if it makes sense to you financially.

This offer will be available for 1 week from the update release, thereafter all the remaining “Lost Stampeder’s” will be added to the general loot pool and Stampede Tokens will then become only be a collector’s item.

Lost Stampeder

Release Notes